Saturday 30th March
Cross Country Clinic
Barrowcliffe Cross Country, LE7 3RX
Barrowcliffe cross country is undoubtedly one of the more varied and exciting facilities in the Midlands. Offering over 220 jumps from small logs at 40cm through to Advanced across 35 acres, there are training opportunities for everyone.
Whether you are looking to gain confidence in an open space, challenge yourself, or just come and have a nice time, everyone is welcome.
Group sessions start from 40-60cm and cost £50 per rider, which includes facility hire. Entries are only confirmed once payment has been received.
Riders are welcome to jump fences that are a different height to the group on the day (for example, if you’re in the 70-80 group and would prefer to jump a couple of 60s to get you started, this is no problem), However, please don't select a group that is too far from your comfort zone, as we may not be located close to fences that you are happy to be jumping.
To book into this clinic please complete the booking form on this page (scroll down if you are on your phone), once we receive your booking we will forward you a secure payment link. Places are not guaranteed until payment has been received.
All payments are required in full at the time of booking. Payments are non-refundable. Please see our Ts & Cs for full details.